Tuesday, November 2, 2010


A few weeks ago we headed over to the Byroms for what we thought was a normal dinner with them, but instead we were greeted with a big "Surprise!!!!!!"

We were shocked to see several of our best friends and our families there! And Becca on webcam! What the heck was going on???

So, they explained.....

"A meeting was held quite far from earth

It's time again for another birth

Said the angels to the Lord above,

This child will need much love.

So let's be careful where she's sent

We want her life to be content,

Please Lord, find the parents who,

Will do a special job for you.

They may not realize right away

The leading role they're asked to play,

But with this child sent from above

Comes stronger faith and richer love.

And soon they'll know the privilege given

In caring for this child from Heaven,

Their precious gift, so meek and mild

Is Heaven's very special child.

As very best friends of Jenna and Chris

We wanted to give you a week of bliss,

A week of no worries, a week of no stress

To meet Maggie's doctors, who are the best!

We set up a fundraiser to show our support

And little did we know how good God would work

Friends and strangers from around the world

Came together for that sweet baby girl.

So here we present a check to you

For Maggie Katherine Bailey's medical fund.

Shock. PURE SHOCK. And tears.

Without us knowing (sneaky little things), five of our best friends got together and decided to set up a fundraiser website to raise funds for Maggie's first trip to the OI clinic in Omaha. They ended up raising enough for SEVERAL trips...and medical equipement...and more!

We poured over the website at all the names of friends and strangers and read their encouraging words and selfless donations and just felt so overwhelmed with love and gratitude.

I can't put into words what this surprise means to us. I still wake up in the middle of the night worrying that everyone who was a part of this will not know how truly thankful we are for their gifts and how it has touched us. Sacrificial love. For our family and our precious girl.

Thank you to Ashley, Ashley, Katie, Jamie, & Becca. The VERY best friends in the world.

And to everyone else who played a part. We love you all!

We leave today for Omaha and will update when we get back.

"Whoever brings blessing will be enriched and one who waters will himself be watered."

Proverbs 11:25


courtneytidmore said...

Jenna, this is so precious and wonderful. The poem is so beautiful! I heard about this through the grapevine a few weeks ago, but didn't know how to help. What is the website??

Amy Kennedy said...

love this sweet post. i watched the video and cried! hope you have a great trip this week-we'll be thinking about y'all!

Kelley said...

How wonderful!!! I am so beyond words myself for the love that was shown to you-- we made sure that you all are in our prayers today at M&M!
Much, much love

Mama*P said...
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Mama*P said...

Jenna, after weeks and weeks of ugly politics, it is so refreshing and good for the soul to see such loving acts like these. May your blessings continue to overflow and know that your sweet baby girl is surrounded in prayer. xoxo.

Alli and Korey said...

Why am I just now finding your blog??!! SO glad I did and I really loved this post ... what amazing love and truely Gods work at hand. Your sweet Maggie is SO precious and such a blessing. I am praying for you guys on your trip and I cant wait to see your family again soon. Lots of love from us!
The Nations

AFlurry said...

Awww this is such a sweet happy post!!! Jessica told me about this when we ran into each other at the pumpkin patch on halloween...I wish I had known about the site!! I know things are going to go great in Omaha & I can't wait to hear all about it. PLEASE come visit us soon....we all miss you sooo much! :)

john, julia, and annie said...

You are loved indeed!! Can't wait to hear how the trip goes! xoxo!