Monday, July 19, 2010

My, How Time Flies!

This past weekend was my 10 year High School reunion, so the four of us headed to Tuscaloosa to celebrate. The reunion was Friday night at Indian Hills Country Club and was so much fun! I think Christopher was expecting to see a few pairs of Wranglers...maybe even a mullet...but he admitted that the everything was very classy! The night just wasn't long enough to catch up with everyone!

Christopher & I

Mia came over to visit with the kids before the party.

"Pre-party" get together at the Booth's, just like old times!

Katie, Me, Ashley, Dana, & Lindsay:
These girls were my very best friends!

Tuscaloosa County High Class of 2000

Lauren, Courtney, Evan, Eddie, Dana, Katie, Me, & Ashley...
We did not want to leave!

*If you look closely at the picture at the Booth's ,you'll notice the cut-out of Katie's hubby Andrew. Andrew is currently serving our country in Afghanistan & Katie made a cardboard cut-out of him, including a shirt, so he could be a part of the night. He rode with us in the car, but did not make it into the reunion! Please be praying for Andrew's safety and for Katie. She is one tough cookie, but I know that this deployment is so hard for her. I have so much admiration for military wives! We love Kate & Andy so much!