Monday, August 23, 2010


I've never been a type A/perfectionist kinda girl. I'm not lazy or anything, it's just been my personality to go with the flow and get things done during crunch time. Now that I am responsible for the people my children become (so scary), I want to be perfect. I really stress out about being a perfect mom. A lot of days Cooper is polite, minds, plays well with others, gives me random kisses and "I lub yous" throughout the day and I feel really good about the job I'm doing as a mom. Then there are days when he is the exact today. It seems like he woke up ill this morning, and even after a long nap, he just couldn't get out of his funk. Days like today make me re-think the job I'm doing as a mom and I tend to over analyze if I was too easy on him...or maybe too it my fault he acted out all day?

I know that he is a typical two-year old, but I still want him to be kind and obedient all the time (all moms and former moms of toddlers can laugh now), but I do. All I know is that now, more than ever, I need to do the very best I know how, and trust that the Lord will pick up where I fall short, because as hard as I try, I will NEVER be a perfect parent with perfect kids.

When I was pregnant with Maggie, and just a huge ball of stress, my friend Katie made Mags and I a girl power CD to rock out to in the car. I listened to the CD over and over again and fell in love with a song called Perfect People by Natalie Grant. It talks about how we all try to seem perfect on the outside and cover up our flaws and insecurities, but how God longs for us to come to Him with all of our imperfections and allow Him to change us as only He can. Here are my favorite lyrics in the song:

There's no such thing as perfect people
There's no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scarred
Lift up your heart and be amazed
And be changed by a perfect God

Who lived and died to give new life
To heal our imperfections
So look up and see love
And let grace be enough

Thank God for his perfect Grace, cause I need it!


courtneytidmore said...

LOVE this post, Jenna! I feel the same way. This past Sunday, Tucker's Sunday School teacher said that he told them that he "doesn't share." I wanted to crawl under a rock! But we as moms are only human...only He can take up the slack in areas where we fall short!

Lauren said...

Jenna, so true! And I love that song too!

Shannon said...

I love that song too :) Such an encouragement! You are a great Mom and Cooper is such a sweetheart!

Kelley said...

Amen, sister!
I can say that picture is pefect!